For the Contemporary look, Studio L offers its back coated glass in 28 standard colors. This specially designed glass coating, can be applied to any thickness or shape and used on BOTH tempered and laminated glass.
Glass Type Clear Appears clear when viewed from above, with a distinctive green hue when viewed on edge. Ultra Clear When neutral color and clarity count, the special raw material formula makes Ultra Clear the natural choice. It transmits back coated colors with unmatched accuracy and can be used for cast countertops as well.
Back coated glass is the most popular choice when it comes to backsplashes creating a clean, seamless look for your kitchen. Besides our standard colors below, for a minor service fee we can match and Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore color. So dream away with Studio L’s back coated glass.
Applications where coated glass can used is: Backsplashes, Countertops, Wall Coverings and Elevator Walls.